The European Parliament elections will take place on Friday 7 June and Saturday 8 June 2024.

The previous elections to the European Parliament were held in the Czech Republic on 24 and 25 May 2019. The Czech Republic was the only country to hold two days of voting. The Czech Republic won 21 MEPs in the elections.

Elections in the European Union shall be held every five years on the basis of universal suffrage. Members of the European Parliament have been directly elected in this way since 1979. To this end, European political parties have the right to campaign throughout the European Union. The European Parliament currently has 705 Members.



Information for voters

You can vote in the European Parliament elections in the Czech Republic citizen of the Czech Republic, who has at least reached the age of 18 on the second day of the election, or a national of another EU countrywho has reached the age of at least 18 years on the second day of the election and has been registered for permanent or temporary residence in the territory of the Czech Republic for at least 45 days. apply to the local authority where you live to be entered on the list for the European Parliament elections no later than 40 days before the election, or to request the transfer of data from the supplement to the permanent electoral roll for the municipal elections (i.e. no later than Sunday 28 April 2024 by 16:00. For this reason, the Vestec Municipal Office will be open on Sunday 28 April 2024 from 13:00 to 16:00). Please see below for an application to register on the electoral roll or to transfer data from the supplement to the permanent electoral roll.

A voter cannot vote in elections to the European Parliament if obstacles prevent him or her from exercising the right to vote:

  • statutory restriction of personal liberty for reasons of public health (quarantine)
  • limitation of legal capacity to exercise the right to vote.

Voter ID cards

A voter may apply to the municipal authority in whose permanent register he or she is registered for a voter card. The application may be made from the date of the announcement of the election:

  • in person at the Vestec municipal office (Vestecká 3, Vestec) no later than Wednesday 5 June 2024 by 16:00
  • by submission delivered no later than Friday 31 May 2024 by 16:00 in paper form with a certified signature of the applicant or in electronic form sent only via the voter's (natural person's) data box or via the Citizen Portal. A sample application can be found below.

Voter ID cards Published by municipal office no earlier than 15 days before the election day, i.e. no earlier than Thursday 23 May 2024.

A voter with a voter card can vote in any polling station in the Czech Republic.


Voting in a portable ballot box

A voter may, for serious reasons, especially health reasons, ask the municipal authority and his/her precinct electoral commission to allow him/her to vote in a portable ballot box on election day. To order a portable ballot box, please call the Vestec Municipal Office at 313 035 501 or 734 755 516 during office hours and 724 09 09 07 or 734 755 516 on election days. The walk will take place on Saturday morning.


Information for voters from other EU countries

Application for entry on the electoral roll for the European Parliament elections/Transfer of data from the supplement to the permanent electoral roll

Application for a voter card - for the European Parliament elections 2024

Power of attorney to receive a voter card


Proof of identity

At the polling station, the voter must prove his or her identity and citizenship of the Czech Republic with a valid identity card or a valid passport of the Czech Republic. A voter who is a citizen of another Member State shall prove his or her identity and citizenship of another Member State upon arrival at the polling station.

If the voter fails to prove his or her identity and citizenship with the necessary documents, he or she will not be allowed to vote.

Voting process

The voter receives a blank official envelope with an official stamp from the precinct election commission. On request, the commission will also issue a set of ballot papers.

Each voter votes in person, no proxy voting is allowed.

The voter enters with the official envelope and ballot papers to the ballot paper editing area, where he/she shall select one ballot paper on which he/she may still circle the serial numbers of up to two candidates. A voter who is unable to adjust the ballot paper due to a physical defect, or who cannot read or write, may be accompanied by another voter, but not by a member of the precinct election commission, in the ballot paper adjustment area and have the ballot paper adjusted and placed in the official envelope, or the official envelope placed in the ballot box.

The voter votes by placing the official envelope with one selected ballot paper in the ballot box in front of the precinct election commission.


When can a ballot be invalid?

The voter must ensure that only one ballot paper was placed in the official envelope. Multiple ballot papers in the official envelope means an invalid voteBallot papers which are not on the prescribed form, ballot papers which are torn and ballot papers which are not inserted in the official envelope are also invalid. The marking of more than 2 preferential votes by circling the serial numbers of the candidates on the ballot paper selected shall not constitute an invalid vote, but shall not be taken into account.


Mayor's information

Information on the number and location of polling stations

Convening of the 1st meeting of the OVC

Date of training for OVK members whose participation in the training is compulsory

Information about the 2024 EP elections