Lost and found
If you find an item in the cadastral territory of the municipality of Vestec, you are obliged to report the find without undue delay to the POST OFFICE OF THE VESTEC MUNICIPAL OFFICE (Vestecká 3, Vestec), if the found item cannot be returned to the person who lost it.
The municipal authority shall make a record of each discovery. The record shall include the name of the finder, when and where the item was found, its description, and, in the case of money, the amount of the sum. The record shall also note whether the finder is entitled to reimbursement of necessary expenses (the finder is entitled to reimbursement of necessary expenses) and to a finder's fee of ten per cent of the price of the find.
The municipal authority secures all items in its custody in such a way as to prevent their loss, destruction or damage.
The municipal authority to which the discovery has been reported is obliged to inform the public of the discovery in a manner customary in the locality.
In order to release the found item, it is necessary to come to the office of the Vestec Municipal Office, Vestecká 3, during office hours and prove the ownership of the item, e.g. with a proof of purchase, a more detailed description of the find (colour, inscriptions, etc.). For more information you can also call 313 035 501.
If, within six months of the date of notification of the finding the owner or user of the found item registers, the municipal authority will give him the item if it is in his custody, or will give him the proceeds of the sale. If the owner or user of the found object fails to declare within 3 years from the date of the report of the discovery, the item becomes the property of the municipality.
Did you lose something? You can see the found items that have been handed in to the Vestec municipal office in the list on the website eztraty.cz
If you find your lost item in the list, please contact the Vestec Municipal Office - tel. 313 035 501 or by email to info@vestec.cz.