Announcement by public notice - Determination of temporary traffic regulation on the road (Hodkovická Street)
The Building Authority Černošice, OSÚ - Department of Transport and Communications Administration (hereinafter referred to as "the administrative authority"), on the basis of a proposal by the company J.L.T. - stavební společnost, spol. s r.o., ID No.: 45792348, after consultation with the Police of the Czech Republic and the Regional Administration and Maintenance of Roads of the Central Bohemian Region, establishes by a measure of a general nature Temporary regulation of traffic on the roads III/10114 and II/603 in Vestec. Traffic signs will be installed from 8 April 2024 to 24 April 2024, and will be located according to the location drawing attached to this notice.
Full text of the Notice VV_Cernosice_01013_2024_OU.pdf
Attachment Situation_of_Traffic_Signage_Hodkovicka.pdf