Public notice - Announcement of a draft measure of a general nature for the establishment of local traffic regulation - roads II/101, II/105 and II/603 (Vídeňská)

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The Černošice Municipal Office, OSÚ - Department of Transport and Communications Administration, submits a proposal for a measure of a general nature, submitted on 4 April 2024 by the company 3K Značky, s.r.o., ID No. 25056271, concerning the establishment of local traffic regulation on roads Nos. II/1012, II/105 and II/603 in Jesenice and Vestec u Prahy, consisting in the installation of vertical traffic signs and the marking of horizontal traffic signs. The installation of the traffic signs will be carried out according to the approved DIO situation, which is an annex and an integral part of this proposal.

The reason for the local traffic regulation on the road is to restrict transit due to increased traffic safety and reduced high traffic volumes on these roads. Transit vehicles are avoiding the toll road and using the surrounding lower class roads. Pursuant to Section 172(4) of the Administrative Code, anyone may submit written comments on the proposal if they believe that their rights and obligations may be affected by the measure.

The Černošice Municipal Office, OSÚ, invites the persons concerned to submit comments and objections to the draft measure of a general nature within 30 days from the date of publication of this draft on the official board of the town of Černošice (21 June 2024).

