Public notice - Announcement of the public hearing on the draft Update No. 13 of the Principles of Spatial Development of the Capital City of Prague Prague and evaluation of the impacts on the sustainable development of the territory

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The Prague City Council, Department of Spatial Development, informs about the public hearing of the draft Update No. 13 of the Principles of Spatial Development of the City of Prague (AZÚR HMP) and the evaluation of the impacts on sustainable development of the territory (VVURÚ). The second public hearing will take place on 20 August 2024 at 10:30 a.m. at CAMP - amphitheatre, Vyšehradská 51, Prague 2 and also via on-line streaming videoconference.

The complete draft of the HMP ARA and the complete proposal for the issuance of this update in the form of a general measure of the nature of the HMP ARA will be available for inspection at Opinions (concerned authorities and the Ministry of Regional Development of the Czech Republic), comments (anyone can submit comments) and objections (land owners, authorised investors and representatives of the public) can be submitted in writing, electronically or by data box until 27 August 2024 inclusive.
