Social programme of the municipality
Payments of the 2023 allowances for applicants who have opted for the bank transfer option will take place during November 2023. Cash payments will be made from 20 November 2023 to 11 December 2023 at the municipal office during office hours (Monday to Thursday).
Unclaimed contributions are forfeited without refund (see published Social Program Rules below). If you have any questions, please call 313 035 509.
Applications for housing benefits for 2024 can be made any time from January to September 2024. When applying in person, the identity of the applicant will be verified on the basis of the identity card presented. Submission can also be made via the applicant's data box or by post, in which case a certified signature of the applicant is required on the application.
We have prepared a summary of the benefits of a citizen registered for permanent residence in the municipality of Vestec.
Being a citizen of Vestec is not only an honour, but it is also beneficial for both parties. We believe that the offer will continue to grow and will be an incentive to apply for permanent residency in Vestec, where you live. This program is valid from 1.1. 2012 and will be recognised for all EU nationals registered for permanent residence in 31.8. of that year.
Programme for children
- The municipality pays a birth grant to every child born in Vestec on application 3000 CZK
- every child from Vestec will be welcomed at the Welcome Ceremony and rewarded
- Parents residing in Vestec have a priority right for admission to Kindergartens Vestec
- for each child (up to 18 years) registered in Vestec, a housing allowance of 2000 CZK yearly
Programme for citizens over 18 years of age
- a housing allowance is paid to every citizen of West Bohemia over the age of 18 on application in the amount of 1300 CZK yearly
- every citizen of Vestec has discounted prices in Sports centre TJ Viktoria Vestec (up to 30%)
- every Vestec citizen has discounted prices for sport fishing on Vestec pond (up to 66%)
- every citizen of Vestec will have discounted prices for parking in the upcoming blue zones of the municipality
- free disposal of bulky waste in the collection yard
Programme for the elderly
- Every senior citizen in Vestec (recipient of old-age, orphan's and full invalidity pensions) is entitled to a senior citizen's allowance of 2000 CZK (in addition to the allowance for people over 18)
- every senior in Vestec receives a contribution on reaching a significant anniversary 1000 CZK (from 70 years)
- under Association of Vestec Seniors every senior in Vestec has subsidized cultural events (up to 50%)
- within the framework of the care service, every immobile senior citizen or pensioner over 70 years of age in Vestec has subsidised prices for imported meals
- free collection of bulky waste on call (wardrobe, sofa, etc.)
- free disposal of bulky waste in the collection yard
Forms for applying for a social allowance can be picked up at the municipal office or downloaded from the website below.
The completed forms should be submitted to the municipal office no later than 30 September of the year in question.