Emergency contacts


Availability 24h
tel: 150

Rescue service

Availability 24h
tel: 155

Police of the Czech Republic

Availability 24h
tel: 158

European emergency line

Availability 24h
tel: 112

Municipal Police Vestec

Availability 24h
tel: 739 156 156

Firefighters - JSDH Vestec

Availability 24h
tel: 737 259 138

Technical report

ČEZ distribuce, a.s.

Electricity faults
tel: 800 850 860

Pražská plynárenská Distribuce, a.s.

Gas faults
tel: 27 27 67 300

Technical services Dolnobřežanska, s.r.o

Water disturbances
tel: 725 334 384

Public lighting failures
tel: 725 755 471

ÚVT Internet s.r.o.

Internet disorders
tel: 227 023 023