Auction Decree for electronic auction of real estate - flat
The bailiff Mgr. Martin Tunkl, Executor's Office Plzeň - město, authorized to conduct the execution on the basis of the mandate of OS Praha - západ dated 03.06.2024 in the case of the beneficiary: O2 Czech Republic,a.s. against the obligor: Ing. Petr Faltus, Vestec, decided: to issue an auction notice for electronic auction through the electronic auction system on the Internet at the portal
Start of the electronic auction: 30.4.2025 at 10:00, end of the auction: no earlier than 30.4.2025 at 10:45
The subject of the auction are the following immovable property: apartment No. unit 397/11 located and defined in the building Vestec No. p. 397 (LV 1370) - apartment. house, standing at St.648, the ideal share of 820/10000 in the common parts of the apartment. 397 and to the land St.648, all registered on LV 1652 and on LV 1370 k.u. Vestec u Prahy. Accessories to immovable property: not established.