Announcement by public notice - Measure of a general nature No. 27/2024 - determination of temporary traffic regulation on the road ul. Na Průhoně
The Černošice Municipal Authority, OSÚ - Department of Transport and Communications Administration, on the basis of the application dated 16.1.2024, on the proposal of the applicant Metrostav DIZ s.r.o, ID No. 25021915, after the approval of the Police of the Czech Republic dated 5.2.2024 and the Regional Administration and Maintenance of Roads of the Central Bohemian Region dated 6.2.2024, establishes by a measure of a general nature transitional arrangements traffic on the road II/101 and local roads in Jesenice and Vestec according to the attached Situation of traffic signs. The traffic signs will be installed in the period from 1.3.2024 to 7.4.2024. Reason full closures on Na Průhoně Street in the section from the intersection with Ke Skále Street there are construction works related to water supply connections for the Jesenice sports complex.
Full text of the GERC Notice No 27/2024_NaPruhone.pdf
Situation of traffic signs.pdf