Černošice Municipal Office informs about the limitation of office hours in the driver's licence office

The Černošice Municipal Office, Administrative Department, informs that from May 2024 the office hours in the driver's license office will be reduced. The office hours will be changed for all activities related to the granting of a driving licence and the issuance of a driving licence Monday 8:00 - 17:00 and Wednesday 8:00 - 17:00; on Fridays only for the delivery/pickup of issued driving licences from 8:00 to 12:00.
The above applies to the workplace Podskalská 19, Praha 2 and Karlštejnská 259, Černošice (Černošice Town Hall).
To arrange any operations at the workplace Karlštejnská 259, Černošice, it is necessary to order clients in advance. For the workplace Podskalská 19, Prague 2, an appointment can also be recommended, because the handling of the requested matter can be guaranteed in case of an appointment (ordering system).