Municipal Police Vestec
One of the priorities of the municipal council is to minimize the occurrence of crime in our municipality. Since 2010, a camera system has been gradually built, covering not only the municipality of Vestec, but also most of the villages in the Dolnobřežany region.
The municipal police work 24 hours a day and, among other things, are regularly trained to provide first aid, because the patrol is the first on the scene and can thus make a significant contribution to saving lives.
Cadastral area: Vestec, Dolní Břežany, Zlatníky-Hodkovice, Ohrobec, Modletice, Dobřejovice, Herink, Popovičky, Vrané nad Vltavou
Telephone contact:
739 156 156, 702 277 227
Service room: building of the Vestec Municipal Office, Vestecká 3, 252 50 Vestec