Municipal organisations
The municipality of Vestec is the founder of the contributory organisations: the Vestec Kindergarten, the Vestec Technical Services and the Vestec Sports Ground.
Kindergarten Vestec, p.o.
The kindergarten is located in a quiet part of the village near the Vestecky pond and sports ground. It has 6 classrooms for 125 children and its own canteen. The school garden is equipped with certified children's play elements and several sandboxes. Children have a large number of toys and didactic aids at their disposal. The kindergarten actively participates in the cultural events in the village and organises several events for the general public during the school year.

Sports facilities of the municipality of Vestec, p.o.
The sports complex includes a grass football field, an exercise hall, an indoor sports hall and an outdoor gym. All sports clubs are part of the Sports Centre of the Sports Unity Viktoria Vestec (SCTJVV).

Technical services of the municipality of Vestec, p.o.
Technical services of the municipality of Vestec provide maintenance of all public spaces in the municipality and manage all playgrounds. They also run the collection yard and take care of the fish in the Vestec pond.

The municipality of Vestec is also the founder of the company Technical Services Dolnobřežanska, s.r.o., which has been in operation since 30. 2022, together with the municipalities of Psáry (18.7 %), Březová - Oleško (4.9 %), Vrané nad Vltavou (12.8 %), Dolní Břežany (19,6 %), Libeř (6,9 %), Ohrobec (6,3 %), Okrouhlo (3,4 %), Zlatníky-Hodkovice (6,7 %) and Zvole (8,8 %). The municipality of Vestec owns a share of 11,9 %.
Technical services Dolnobřežanska, s.r.o.
All matters concerning public lighting, water and municipal, sorted waste and bio-waste are handled by the company Technical Services Dolnobřežanska, s.r.o.