Notice of water supply interruption on 2.10.2024 - U Parku, Na Suchých (part), Chmelová, Krátká, Javorová, U Strouhy, Rákosová

The company Technical Services Dolnobřežanska, s.r.o. informs that due to a breakdown of the water supply line - repair of the sectional shunts and water supply connection at the intersection of U Park x Na Suchých streets, the water supply will be interrupted on 2 October 2024 from 9:00 - 15:00 in the streets U Park, Na Suchých (part), Javorová, Chmelová, Krátká, U Strouhy and Rákosová, Albert shop, Argos shop.
Cisterns with drinking water will be located in U Parku Street, in Na Suchých Street at No. 533 (Staving Olomouc) and at the Argos shop.