Communication - Familiarisation with the decision documents - "Construction of transport infrastructure and utility networks Jesenice 8 - completion of the area"

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The Černošice Municipal Office, Construction Office (hereinafter referred to as "the Construction Office"), hereby informs the parties to the proceedings and gives them the opportunity to comment on the decision documents in the joint proceedings initiated on 2 November 2018 on the application submitted by GENIUS LOCI DEVELOPER, a.s., ID No. 26773830, represented by JUDr. Irena Lazurová, LL.M., ID No. 27605817 (hereinafter referred to as "the applicant"), in the matter of issuing a joint permit for the construction of
"Construction of transport infrastructure and utility networks Jesenice 8 - completion of the area"
- construction of roads, water supply and storm water drainage (road drainage)

on plots of land parc. no. 733/7, 733/111, 733/115, 733/116, 733/131, 733/133, 733/171, 733/172, 733/181, 733/182, 733/183, 733/243, 823/3 in the cadastral territory of Jesenice u Prahy. The building contains:
- SO 101 - New roundabout on the road. II/603, ul. Budějovická, including a new main two-way access road from the roundabout, as well as a new public two-way
roads as Branch 1, 2, 3, 3a and a new connecting public pavement,
- SO 106 - Public lighting,
- SO 102.2 - Storm sewer for road drainage.

In accordance with the provisions of Section 36(3) of the Administrative Procedure Code, the Building Authority hereby gives the parties to the proceedings the opportunity to comment on the decision documents in the above-mentioned case within 5 days of the expiry of the 15-day period after delivery.

After the expiration of the acquaintance with the decision documents, the building authority will decide on the matter.
