Vestecká Street has been repaired and there is now a solid line along its entire length.

Vestecká Street has been repaired and drivers are advised that there is a solid line, i.e. no overtaking, along the entire stretch.
The solid line can be crossed if you are passing, for example, a stationary vehicle (a bus at a stop, a garbage truck) or turning into or joining a place off the road (entrances to houses).
What the law says about the full line:
The V1a (solid line) marking is used in particular to separate lanes with oncoming traffic, to separate part of the shift lanes and to separate part of the turning or connecting lane from the through lane.
If a sign is used to separate lanes with oncoming traffic, the driver must drive to the right of the sign.
It is forbidden to cross the sign or to overhang it with a load, unless necessary to go around it, to turn to a place lying off the roadway or to enter the roadway from a place lying off the roadway.