European Parliament elections - voter cards, portable ballot box

The elections to the European Parliament will take place on 7 - 8 June 2024. The polling station for all Vestec voters is again in the Vestec kindergarten annex and will be open on Friday 7 June from 14:00 - 22:00, and on Saturday 8 June 2024 from 8:00 - 14:00.

A voter who will not be voting in his or her precinct may apply to the local authority for a voter card - in person until Wednesday 5 June 2024 at 16:00 (until the electoral roll is closed) or in writing (with a certified signature or via the voter's data box or via the Citizen Portal) only until Friday 31 May 2024 at 16:00.

A voter who cannot come to the polling station on election days for serious reasons, especially health reasons, may ask the municipal authority (and on election day his/her precinct election commission) to allow him/her to vote in a portable ballot box. To order a portable ballot box, please call on official days to the Vestec Municipal Office at 313 035 501 and on election days at 724 09 09 07 or 734 755 516.