Czech Statistical Office's household survey in Vestec

Regular annual survey of the Czech Statistical Office on income and living conditions this year runs from 3 February to 23 June - In Vestec, this survey will take place from 13 May to the end of June 2024. Professionally trained interviewers will personally visit nearly 11,500 households across the country. The purpose of the survey is to obtain long-term comparable data for assessing the social and economic situation of the population and to obtain data for calculating indicators of monetary and material poverty.
The field workers involved in the survey will be required to present an official interviewer's card and a CSO employee card or identity document. The identity of the interviewer can be verified on the CSO website. Your questions about the survey will be answered by an authorized employee of the Regional Administration of the CSO - Ms. Bc. Zuzana Mašková, tel. 274 053 195, 731 439 298.