Announcement of the revision of the land register in Vestec - from June to December 2025

The municipality of Vestec announces, on the basis of a communication from the Cadastral Office for the Central Bohemia Region, that in part of the cadastral territory of Vestec u Prahy, where no new mapping has been carried out in the period 2020-2023, a revision of the Land Registry will be initiated, which will last from 1.6.2025 to 31.12.2025.
During the revision of the cadastre, the employees of the cadastral office will revise the consistency of the cadastral data with the actual situation on the ground. The participation of owners and other beneficiaries is not necessary during the cadastre revision. In the event of an identified discrepancy between the status recorded in the cadastre and the status on the ground, owners will be invited to discuss it with a representative of the cadastral office.