Get involved in the spatial study - around the future D metro terminus

The Prague City Council has decided to prepare a land-use study to reconcile all interests and needs in the area of the future D metro terminus and to create rules for development. Apart from housing and civic amenities, the topics will also include transport and landscape connections to the surrounding districts and municipalities, including ours. We will then build on the Prague study with our own, in which we will plan the future connections between Vestec and Prague.
And now it's your turn! The architects and the Prague administration are interested in whether and how the surrounding residents use the site and what needs they will have in the area in connection with the new metro line in the future. You are invited to public meetings where the architects will present the city's plan and their findings about the area so far. There will then be space for your input and comments.
- Tuesday 14th May from 18:00 in the firehouse in Písnice (Hoštická 33)
- Wednesday 15.5. from 17:30 at the municipal office in Kunratice
If you can't attend in person, fill out the online survey, which will run from May 14-27. You can find the link on the project website, where there is also more info:
Your opinions are important and will reach the architects who will prepare the study. So get involved - you too can influence the future D metro terminus. 🤝