Why be a citizen of Vestec?
Being a citizen of Vestec is not only an honour, but it is also beneficial for both parties. We believe that the offer will continue to grow and will motivate you to apply for permanent residence in Vestec, where you live.

Information on establishing or cancelling permanent residence
Registration for permanent residence
Login citizen of the Czech Republic for permanent residence always takes place at the registration office of the municipality in which the property is located. Foreigners with a residence permit report a change of residence in the Czech Republic to the Ministry of the Interior, Asylum and Migration Policy Department (OAMP) for Prague-West: Žukovského 888/2, Prague 6.
You will submit the following documents to the municipal office:
- Valid identity cardfrom (for marriage, you can present an OP with the corner cut off or a marriage certificate); you CANNOT use your passport if you have a valid OP
- proof of ownership of the property (preferably the title deed; a bill of sale is not sufficient proof to register for permanent residence) or lease agreement with original signatures or consent of the owner (awarded in person or as a certified power of attorney, not older than 3 months), sublease agreement including the owner's consent with his certified signature
Next steps:
- fill in the Permanent Residence Registration Form (available at the registration desk)
- children always register separately, a person over 15 years of age fills in the registration form for himself/herself
- the administrative fee for the application is 50 CZK per person over 15 years of age
- The OP is marked by cutting off the corner "A" and the reporting office will issue you with a Certificate of Change of Permanent Residence
The registration of a new permanent address automatically ends the stay at the original address.
It is your responsibility to apply for a new IP within 15 days at any office that handles this agenda, regardless of your place of residence. Typically, these are all the offices of the municipal districts in Prague, or at Černošice Municipal Office, workplace Podskalská 19, Prague 2.
Please note that with effect from 2.8.2021, in accordance with Act No. 269/2021 Coll. on ID cards, the the validity of the IP will automatically end after 45 days after a change of permanent address! It is therefore necessary to comply with the 15-day deadline for applying for a new IP after a change of permanent residence (as well as after a change of name or surname, birth number or marital status, if this information is recorded on the IP).
Driving licences no longer need to be changed, but the information in the vehicle registration must be updated within 10 days of a change of residence! You can use any vehicle register, e.g. at Černošice Municipal Office (administrative department/vehicle register), the administrative fee is 50 CZK per change.
Handled by: Mgr. Mgr. Kateřina Haladová
Cancellation of permanent residence
Application for cancellation of permanent residence can be submitted by the owner of the property or part of it, or by an authorised person (e.g. a tenant). Petitioner is obliged to prove to the reporting office if both of these conditions are met:
- the citizen's right of use of the building or a defined part of the building has expired (lease agreement has ended, owner withdraws his consent, divorce)
- and at the same time prove that the citizen does not use the object.
The applicant shall pay an administrative fee of CZK 100 for each person whose permanent residence is to be cancelled.
The notification authority shall decide on the cancellation of the permanent residence on request in an administrative procedure, usually within 30 days.
The place of permanent residence of a citizen whose permanent residence has been cancelled becomes, after the decision becomes final, the address of the registration office in whose territorial district the citizen's permanent residence has been cancelled.
Cancellation of permanent residence immediately ends the validity of the ID card. A citizen whose permanent residence has been revoked must apply for a new identity card within 15 working days after the date on which the decision to revoke the place of permanent residence becomes final.
Application for cancellation of permanent residence
Handled by: Mgr. Mgr. Kateřina Haladová
How do I find out if someone is permanently registered in my property?
As a property owner, you have the right to ask Czech POINT for information on which persons are permanently registered at your property address. If you live in an apartment building with a JVU, only a member of the committee can request this information.
You submit your application in person at the registration office of the municipality where your property is located. You will need your ID with you.
From 2024, the application is charged at CZK 30 for the first page and CZK 10 for each additional page.
If you suspect that there are foreigners on your property, you must ask the Aliens Police for this information.
Reporting office as place of residence
It is not possible to register at the address of the reporting office of any municipality by choice.
The address of the registration office (Vestecká 3, Vestec) becomes the permanent residence of a citizen whose permanent residence in Vestec has been cancelled in an administrative procedure pursuant to Section 12 of Act No. 133/2000 Coll. on Population Registration (ex officio or at the request of the owner or authorised person). The indication that this is the address of the reporting office is also entered in the new identity card.
Information for citizens residing at the reporting station:
Since 1 January 2016, the following services are available to you deposit notices and notices with instructions at the Vestec municipal office (Vestecká 3, Vestec), you can pick them up during office hours after presenting your ID. Please note that the municipal office is not authorised to accept private correspondence from individuals. It is in your interest to monitor the delivery to this address. You can use the telephone number 313 035 501.
Mail addressed to the residence registration office is Undeliverable, but by law usually on the tenth day after the deposit of the parcel with the Czech Post, s. p., there may be a fiction of service, meaning that the parcel is considered delivered.
A citizen with a residence address at the reporting office has the option of:
- report to the reporting office the so-called delivery address to which "official" documents will be delivered (not forwarded)
- in each individual judicial or administrative proceeding, state the address to which documents are to be served
- set up a data box at CzechPOINT, to which the public authority must deliver documents to him/her as a priority (free of charge)
- arrange for mail forwarding or P.O. BOX (paid services) with the Czech Post
Address for service of documents
You can ask to be the registered address to which documents are to be served on you which is different from your permanent address. You can apply for registration of the address for service of documents even if you do not have permanent residence in the Czech Republic.
The address for the delivery of documents is one of the data of the population register, where this data is used by ministries, financial offices, courts, notaries, cadastral offices, the Police of the Czech Republic, health insurance companies, but also banks and insurance companies.
The following may be entered as the address for service of documents:
- address in the Czech Republic,
- address abroad,
- the address of the mailbox or delivery box
(so you can't use an email address)
You can request the registration of your delivery address in person/ via the data box of a natural person/ in writing with a certified signature at the registration office according to your place of residence, the date of registration can be in the future.
There is no administrative fee.