Change of timetables from 1 December 2024, including school connections 326
As of 1 December 2024, there will be changes to the timetables of all suburban lines, so please pay attention to new timetables.
Significant changes also apply to school connections lines 326, which will be reinforced with an additional morning school service from 1 December 2024. Bus line 326, which is extended to the stop "Praha, Volha" departs from the stop "Vestec, Obecní úřad" now at 6:51, 6:56, 7:01, 7:06 and now also at 7:16. But no more school buses will not serve the stop "Vestec, Shopping Centre"!
Afternoon school services have also been strengthened by one bus, they will now depart from the stop "Praha, U Kunratického lesa" at the following times 13:24, 13:54, 14:24, 14:54, 15:24 a 15:54.