Working Group - Commission for Culture
The group's task is to prepare and implement cultural events for you - our citizens, families, friends, neighbours of all ages, especially for our children, for whom we would like to make their childhood more pleasant and fill it with lots of wonderful experiences and memories. In an age full of virtual activities, we want to give them the opportunity to meet together in one place and at one time, to form real friendships or just to spend quality time with their loved ones.
What does working in a group involve?
It all starts with detailed planning and distribution of tasks among the group members. The length of preparation varies according to the nature of the event. Sometimes it's a few weeks, other times you need to plan months in advance. But everything is prepared for you with the utmost care - the implementation of the program, the production of decorations, the provision of refreshments, permits, interaction with the municipal police, sound system and much more. The technical part of the events such as tents, seating, electricity, design and printing of posters, collection of things, but also the devil is taken care of by the Technical Services of the Municipality of Vestec, p.o..
We try to provide the maximum using our own strength and abilities, but because there are events we are short on time, we welcome volunteers to help usOh.
You are our inspiration, we are interested in what you would like to see happening in the village or vice versa, so do not hesitate to contact us with your ideas or offers of help by email
We are glad that you are lenient with us and so you can overlook some of the shortcomings and allow us to improve with each action. We are dedicated to culture in our free moments between our duties at work or on parental leave.
For those interested in sponsorship or establishing closer cooperation, we are ready to offer space for your advertising, make your company visible at public events, where you have the opportunity to reach a wide local public of all ages and gain new clients or partners.
The municipality spends considerable funds on culture in Vestec annually, it is our duty to use these funds or donations from sponsors sparingly and economically, we do so with discretion and in accordance with the law.
Do not hesitate to contact us at any time.
Members of the Cultural Commission

Chairman of the Working Group
The deputy mayor of the municipality in charge of the working group.
tel: +420 602 212 820

She is a municipal clerk and has extensive experience in preparing the programme for all our cultural events.
tel: +420 734 755 516



She is a member of the Audit Committee of the municipality.

She enjoys working with children and has extensive experience working in non-profit organizations for children and youth.

She is a municipal councillor, enjoys creative work and prepares arrangements for various occasions.