Leisure time in Vestec
The most popular place for children and adults to spend their free time is certainly the recreational leisure area around Vestecky pond. It is dominated by a pond with a footbridge and several viewing piers, which is a popular place not only for fishermen, and Sports facilities of the municipality of Vestec with a football pitch and an outdoor indoor sports hall. There is also an outdoor chess set, an interactive playground and an outdoor gym next to the football pitch. New for 2021 is iCourtswhich can be discovered by GPS and mobile phone. Behind the pond is landscaped forest park with climbing frames, outdoor trampolines, musical instruments, a ping-pong table, a stone exhibition, a small climbing wall and a slide, which will be appreciated especially by young visitors. Visitors will also find other new playgrounds in the forest park.
Behind the pond, visitors will find a landscaped meadow with an outdoor stage and an orchard, public barbecue area with a shelter, workout playground and everyone will appreciate the summer days softener and outdoor drinkers. For bicycles, skates and strollers is designed cycle path from the pond to Hrnčířy and then past the freezers back to the pond, or the other side to Kunratice. The total length of the cycle path is about 4 km. Towards Kunratice, visitors can stop at the shelter of the second public barbecue area.
The barbecue area is open to the general public in Vestec, reservations are not necessary (except for wedding ceremonies), but we ask visitors to always clean up the place and take away the garbage.
Rules of use of barbecue areas, map of barbecue areas and other information can be found on the page Public barbecue areas.
On the cycle path from the pond to Kunratice you can also visit educational planetary trail. It starts at the crossroads of cycle paths at Vestecky pond and on the 1.4 km long path you will find information panels on all planets of our Solar System. Children will appreciate the beautiful planetarium window, which shows the most common star constellations. You will find the boardwalk in the orchard in the meadow behind the pond.
In 2019 it was festively equipped with Avenue of Freedom, which runs from Vestecký Pond towards Hrnčířy and follows the old dirt path. The avenue is planted mainly with fruit trees of old Czech varieties, many of them belonging to individual Vestec families. For all visitors, the Alley of Freedom is a pleasant oasis of peace and soon it will also bear sweet fruits.
In 2022, with the participation of representatives of the Central Bohemian Region and the DofE, the Prince Philip Avenue comprising 100 lime trees in honour of the 100th birthday of Britain's Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, husband of Queen Elizabeth II. The avenue can be found on the cycle path towards Kunratice, by the retention basin. In May 2023, Prince Edward, the youngest son of Prince Philip and brother of the current King Charles III of Great Britain, planted the last lime tree.
The Prince Philip Avenue was unveiled in October 2022 Poeziomatwho, after turning the crank, recites poems, sings and tells interesting facts about Vestec. Be sure to try it out.
In 2024, the Dendrological trail Vestec, which will take you through other parts of the village than just the area around Vestecký Pond and introduce you to interesting native tree species. Everyone can choose his or her own route, according to his or her own possibilities, and for each of the 15 trees so far, after reading the QR code, you can see a description and information about the importance and use of the tree.
In 2024, it also started its trial operation Vestec Community Garden. In addition to renting a raised planter, residents have the opportunity to participate in various events organized by Community Garden members, such as a petanque tournament, workshops with growers, or shopping at farmers markets.
After a year of trial operation, we are now offering space on our Farmers' markets in the community garden to a variety of vendors selling home-grown surplus.
Leisure area Vestec

Pier on Vestec pond

Paving trail at Vestecky pond

Paving trail by the pond (2023)

Vestecký rybník (2018)

Vestecký pond (2021)

Outdoor chess, Vestec

Outdoor gym

Interactive Playground (2019)

Educational Trail of the Planet, Vestec

Start of the educational trail Planets, Sun

Cycle path Vestec - Kunratice

Recreational meadow with a stage, planetarium and public barbecue area

Public barbecue area, Vestec

Running water at the barbecue area in the meadow

Playground Planetarium, Vestec

Detail of the inner dome of the planetarium

Mlhoviště, meadow behind the pond, Vestec

workout playground, meadow behind the pond, Vestec

Beginning of Freedom Avenue, Vestec

Children's park

Outdoor trampolines in the children's park

Leisure area behind the stage

iPlayground - new in 2021