Mandatory disclosures
Information required to be published pursuant to Decree No. 515/2020 Coll., which provides for the followingthe structure of information published about the obliged entity pursuant to Section 5(1) and (2) of Act No. 106/1999 Coll., on free access to information, as amended.
1. Name
Municipal Office Vestec, Municipality Vestec
2. Reason and method of establishment
Act No. 128/2000 Coll., on Municipalities (Municipal Establishment), as amended
From the history of the village - page History of Vestec
3. Organisational structure
The bodies of the municipality are the Municipal Assembly, Municipal Council, Mayor, Municipal Office, Municipal Police. The Mayor appoints the Secretary of the Municipal Office.
Contacts to the municipal management
Contacts to the Municipal Police
Commissions and committees of the municipality:
Finance Committee
Audit Committee
Commission for Environmental Protection
Editorial Committee
Organisations established by the municipality:
Kindergarten Vestec, p.o.
Sports facilities of the municipality of Vestec, p.o.
Technical services of the municipality of Vestec, p.o.
4. Contact connection
5. Bank connection
Account number: 0388054389; bank code: 0800
This account is for for payment of local fees, administrative charges, fines and costs.
Local fees and administrative charges can also be paid in cash at the municipal office (Vestecká 3, Vestec, ground floor) during office hours. Payment can also be made by credit card at the office.
ID: 00 507 644 (Municipality of Vestec)
7. Payer of value added tax
We are not a VAT payer.
8. Documents
8.1 List of main documents:
- programme statement
- decrees and regulations
- council and council resolutions
- council minutes
- zoning plan
- Green Spine as part of the Landscape Plan
8.2 Budget: Municipal budget
9. Requests for information
The municipality shall provide the information to the applicant upon request or by publication. A request for information within the meaning of Act 106/1999 Coll. may be made orally or in writing.
The written request must clearly show:
(a) to whom it is addressed
(b) that the applicant seeks the provision of information within the meaning of this Act
(c) in the case of natural persons, who submits it (name, surname, date of birth, address of permanent residence or, if not registered as a permanent resident, residential address and address for service if different from the address of permanent residence or residential address)
(d) for legal persons, the name, identification number, registered office address and address for service, if different from the registered office address
(e) delivery address means also an electronic address.
If the application does not contain the above-mentioned requirements, it is not an application within the meaning of this Act.
If the lack of information about the applicant hinders the procedure for processing requests for information under this Act, the municipal authority shall invite the applicant within 7 calendar days of the submission of the request to complete the request and shall warn him that if he fails to comply with this invitation within 30 days of the date of delivery of the invitation, the request shall be abandoned.
Written request
(a) be intelligible
(b) it must be clear what information is requested
(c) it must not be phrased too broadly.
If the application is unclear, it is not clear what information is requested or is formulated in too general a manner, the applicant shall be invited to clarify the application within 7 days of the submission of the application. If the applicant fails to specify the application within 30 days of the date of receipt of the invitation, the decision shall be taken to reject the application.
If the information requested is not relevant to its remit, it shall defer the request and communicate this reasoned fact to the applicant within 7 days of receipt of the request.
The municipal authority shall provide the requested information within 15 days from the receipt of the request or from the date of its completion. A record shall be kept of the procedure for providing the information.
The deadline for providing information may be extended by the municipality for serious reasons, but not more than 10 days. Serious reasons are:
- locating and collecting the requested information in other offices that are separate from the office handling the request
- locating and collecting the voluminous amount of separate and distinct information required in a single application
- consultation with another obliged entity or between two or more components of an obliged entity
The applicant must always be demonstrably informed of the extension of the time limit and the reasons for it in good time before the expiry of the time limit for providing the information.
If the municipality does not grant the application, even in part, it shall issue a decision rejecting the application or rejecting part of the application, except where the application is deferred, within the time limit for dealing with applications.
If the request is not granted on the grounds of the protection of trade secrets or the protection of the rights of third parties to the subject matter of the copyright, the reasons for the decision must state who exercises the right to the trade secret or who exercises the property rights to the subject matter of the copyright, if that person is known to the municipality.
If the request for information is aimed at the provision of published information, the municipality may, as soon as possible, but no later than within 7 days, instead of providing the information, communicate to the applicant the data enabling the applicant to locate and obtain the published information. If the applicant insists on the direct provision of the published information, the municipality shall provide it.
1) A municipality's decision to refuse an application may be appealed.
2) The municipality shall submit the appeal together with the file to the superior authority within 15 days from the date of receipt of the appeal.
3) The superior authority shall decide on the appeal within 15 days from the date of submission of the appeal by the municipality. The time limit for the decision on the appeal is 15 working days from the date of receipt of the appeal by the municipality. The time limit cannot be extended.
(4) In a judicial review of a decision on an appeal on the basis of an action under a special provision of law, the court shall examine whether there are grounds for refusing the application. If there are no grounds for refusing the application, the court shall quash the decision on appeal and the municipality's decision to refuse the application and order the municipality to provide the requested information.
Complaint about the procedure for dealing with a request for information:
The applicant may lodge a complaint about the procedure for handling a request for information (hereinafter referred to as "complaint"):
(a) who does not agree with the handling of the request by reference to information already published, insists on the direct provision of the information and the municipality has not provided it to him
(b) to whom information has not been provided, a final licence offer has not been made and a decision has not been taken to reject the application after the expiry of the 15-day period or the extended 15+10-day period, as the case may be
(c) to whom the information has been provided in part without a decision to refuse the remainder of the request
(d) who disagrees with the amount of the fee for providing the information
The complaint can be made in writing or orally. If the complaint is made orally and cannot be dealt with immediately, the municipality shall make a written record of the complaint.
The complaint must be filed with the municipality within 30 days of:
(a) delivery of a communication about information already published
(b) receipt of notification that the information requested does not fall within the remit of the municipality (deferral of the request)
(c) notification of the amount of payment for the information before it is provided
(d) the expiry of the time limit for providing the information (15 days from the date of receipt of the request or from the date of its completion), or an extension of 10 days for serious reasons.
The complaint shall be decided by the superior authority.
The municipality shall submit the complaint, together with the file, to the superior authority within 7 days of the date on which it received the complaint, unless within that period it fully complies with the complaint itself by providing the requested information or the final licence offer, or issues a decision rejecting the application.
10. Receipt of submissions and suggestions
Receipt of applications and other submissions in the municipality of Vestec
- In writing to Vestec Municipality, Vestecká 3, 252 50 Vestec, or by e-mail to:
- By phone on 313 035 501
- Upon oral request, the municipality will provide oral information on simple matters. However, an oral request cannot be the basis for a decision in an administrative procedure. If the applicant is not provided with information in response to an oral request or does not consider it sufficient, the request must be made in writing.
- Applicant's mailbox: DS: cytasj8
11. Regulations
Decrees and Ordinances of the Municipality of Vestec
11.1 The most important regulations used
An overview of the most important regulations under which the municipality of Vestec acts and makes decisions. These regulations can be consulted in the office of the local authority.
Among the most important regulations under which the municipality acts and makes decisions are the following legal norms as amended and supplemented from time to time:
- Act No. 367/1990 Coll. and Act No. 128/2000 Coll. on Municipalities, as amended by Act No. 2/2003 Coll.
- Act No. 301/2000 Coll. on civil registers
- Implementing Decree No. 207/2001 to the Act on Civil Registration
- decree. 97/1961 Coll. of the Central Office for National Committee Affairs on municipal names, street markings and house numbering
- Labour Code
- Act No. 412/2005 Coll. on the protection of classified information and on security clearance
- Act No. 101/2000 Coll. on the protection of personal data
- No. 513/1991 Coll. - Commercial Code
- Act No. 106/1999 Coll. on free access to information
- Decree No. 442/2006 - establishes the structure of information according to Act No. 106/1999 Coll.
- Government Decree No. 173/2006 on the principles for setting fees and royalties for the provision of information under Act No. on free access to information
- Act No. 365/2000 Coll. on public administration information systems
- Act No. 81/2006 Coll., amendment to Act No. 365/2000 Coll. on public administration information systems
- Act No. 227/2000 Coll. on electronic signature
- Government Regulation No. 495/2004 Coll., implementing Act No. 227/2000 Coll.
- Decree of the Ministry of Informatics of the Czech Republic No. 496/2004 Coll. on electronic mailrooms
- Act No. 500/2004 - Administrative Code
- Act No. 159/2006 on conflict of interest
11.2 Legislation issued
These legal standards are complemented by ordinances and regulations of the municipality of Vestec . They can also be consulted at the municipal office during office hours and on official days.
Other linkswhere you can get the information you need on the legal standards:
Government of the Czech Republic with links to individual ministries:
12. Charges for the provision of information
12.1 Fee schedule for the provision of information
- The publication of information is carried out by the municipality at its own expense.
- The municipality is entitled to charge a fee for providing information on the basis of a request (oral or written). The amount of the fee for the provision of the information shall be determined by the officer in charge of providing the information in accordance with the schedule of fees set out below.
- If a royalty has been agreed in the licence agreement, the costs cannot be claimed.
- The prices specified in the Tariff do not apply to the issue of copies, copies, photocopies and extracts from official files, for which administrative fees are levied according to item 3 of the Tariff of Administrative Fees, which forms an annex to Act No. 368/1992 Coll. on Administrative Fees, as amended.
- If the municipality requires payment for the provision of the information, it shall notify the applicant in writing prior to the provision of the information.
- If the municipality fails to comply with its notification obligation to the applicant under the preceding paragraph, it shall lose its right to reimbursement.
- The provision of the information is conditional upon payment of the required fee. If the applicant fails to pay the fee within 60 days of the date of notification of the amount of the required fee, the municipality shall withdraw the application. The time limit shall not run while the complaint against the amount of the requested payment is being processed.
- The final price for the provision of information is the sum of the partial prices listed in the tariff.
- The reimbursement is a revenue of the municipality.
Tariff of charges
Costs associated with extremely extensive information retrieval | Hourly rates derived from the cost of salaries, wages and other personnel costs associated with an exceptionally large search for information |
Material costs | purchase of copies depending on the type of copy and the copying technology used (see the Vestec Municipality's internal tariff) |
Cost of technical data carriers | according to current prices of technical data carriers |
Sending information to the applicant |
Working with archives | according to the price list of services and acts of the SN CR |
Other costs | independent expert opinions, estimates, etc. according to the provider's tariff
(IV. Costs of exceptionally extensive information retrieval ) |
Other demonstrable costs |
The payment is made by the applicant on the basis of a bill in the office of the OÚ, or by agreement by wire transfer to the account of the OÚ before receiving the information. If the applicant fails to pay the amount of the required payment within 60 days of the date of notification, the municipality shall withdraw the application.
Internal tariff of the municipality of Vestec:
I. Cost of copies
- for making a single-sided A4 copy ...4 CZK,
- for making a double-sided A4 copy ...10 CZK,
- for making a single-sided A3 copy ...15Kč
II. Costs of technical data media measures
- for 1 CD, if this form is required by the applicant 30 CZK,
- in the case of the use of another technical data carrier, the cost shall be set at the purchase price of the required technical data carrier;
III. Cost of sending the information to the applicant
- the cost of the postal service used or requested shall be reimbursed at the actual cost;
IV. Costs of exceptionally extensive information retrieval
- if the provision of information is connected with an exceptionally extensive search for information, the cost for each full 1 hour of exceptionally extensive search is CZK 208;
General request from the municipality of Vestec Application general.doc
12.2 Decision of the superior authority on the amount of the fees for the provision of information
The applicant may lodge a complaint against the procedure for handling a request for information if he or she disagrees with the amount of the fee communicated to the applicant in writing by the obliged entity before the information is provided or disagrees with the amount of the fee for the authorisation to use the information on the basis of a licence agreement. The complaint may be lodged in writing or orally with the obliged entity.
13. Licensing Agreements
13.1 Model Licence Agreements
No model license agreements are required to provide information to the Vestec municipality.
13.2 Exclusive Licences
License agreements governing exclusive licenses granted by the obligated entity pursuant to Section 14a(4) of the Act - the municipality of Vestec has not granted any exclusive licenses.