Contracts from 2024

Dodatek č. 2 k Podnájemní smlouvě - Technické služby Dolnobřežanska, s.r.o. (2024/12/101)

Dodatek č. 1 k Podnájemní smlouvě - Technické služby Dolnobřežanska, s.r.o. (2024/12/100)

Kupní smlouva - Dagmar Kraftová (2024/12/99)

Kupní smlouva - Ing. Chu Van Duc (2024/12/98)

Darovací smlouva - Jaroslav Skřivan (2024/12/97)

Purchase contract - Top-Bio, s.r.o. (2024/11/96)

Addendum No. 1 to the License Agreement - FT Technologies a.s. (2024/11/95)

Contract for the provision of hosting services - A L I S spol. s r.o. ( 2024/11/94)

License Agreement - A L I S spol. s r.o. (2024/11/93)

Smlouva o zřízení věcného břemene - služebnosti - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2024/11/92)

Dodatek č. 2 ke Smlouvě o zajištění služeb pro Českou poštu, s.p. - Česká pošta, s.p. (2024/11/91)

Contract for the establishment of a public take-back point - REMA Systém, a.s. (2024/11/90)

Donation agreement - Antonín Sýkora (2024/10/88)

Purchase contract - Ing. Eva Tmějová (2024/10/87)

Purchase contract - MVDr. Luděk Preininger (2024/10/86)

Purchase agreement - TERRAMET spol. s r.o. (2024/10/85)

Financing Agreement - UniCredit Leasing CZ, a.s. (2024/10/84)

Agreement on cooperation and payment of the compensation contribution for the construction of the related basic infrastructure of the municipality - JUDr. Ing. Pavel Habětín (2024/10/83)

Kupní smlouva - Jaroslav Hrubý (2024/10/82)

Purchase Agreement - AB Auto Brejla Praha (2024/09/81)

Credit agreement - ŠkoFIN s.r.o.; AB Auto Brejla s.r.o. (2024/09/80)

Addendum No. 7 to the contract for the lease of a service apartment - Radek Bus (2024/09/79)

Amendment No. 1 to the land lease agreement - AGRO Jesenice u Prahy a.s. (2024/09/78)

Amendment No. 2 to the Cooperation Agreement - Campanus Primary School, Prague 4 (2024/09/77)

Cooperation Agreement - OPTREAL, spol. s r.o. (2024/09/76)

Addendum No. 1 to the contract Renovation of a car - KOMET s.r.o. firefighting equipment (2024/09/75)

Amendment No. 8 to the Contract for the provision of field social services - Quality Autumn of Life, z.ú,; Services KPŽ s.r.o. (2024/09/74)

Contract on future easement agreement and agreement on the location of the construction - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2024/08/73)

Contract for the establishment of an easement - Pražská plynárenská Distribude, a.s. (2024/08/72)

Purchase contract - OPTREAL, spol. s r.o. ( 2024/08/71)

Addendum No. 1 to the framework agreement on cooperation - JTH Group a.s. (2024/08/70)

Contract for granting the right to use software - ALIS, spol. s r.o. (2024/08/69)

Contract for passenger transport - ARRIVA CITY s.r.o. (2024/08/68)

Contract for transport services - DATA AUTOTRANS, s.r.o. (2024/08/67)

Purchase contract - Martin Macanek (2024/07/66)

Loan Agreement and Future Purchase Agreement - STAVING Olomouc, s.r.o. (2024/07/65)

Contract for auditing activities - ATLAS AUDIT s.r.o. (2024/07/64)

Contract for the performance of a management review - ATLAS AUDIT s.r.o. (2024/07/63)

Purchase contract - Jaroslava Šlingrová (2024/07/62)

Planning Agreement - Vestec centrum, s.r.o. (2024/06/61)

Savings Account Agreement - Česká spořitelna, a.s. (2024/06/60)

EASYPARK Service Agreement - EasyPark Czechia s.r.o. (2024/05/59)

Contract for mobile parking services - EasyPark Czechia s.r.o. (2024/05/58)

Agreement on cooperation and payment of the compensation contribution for the construction of the related basic infrastructure of the municipality - NEW ART CONSULTING s.r.o. (2024/05/57)

Agreement on cooperation and payment of the compensation contribution for the construction of the related basic infrastructure of the municipality - N.G.S.production , s.r.o. (2024/05/56)

Agreement on cooperation and payment of the compensation contribution for the construction of the related basic infrastructure of the municipality - INTELDAT a.s. (2024/05/55)

Agreement on cooperation and payment of the compensation contribution for the construction of the related basic infrastructure of the municipality - PRAŽSKÝ STROM a.s. (2024/05/54)

Agreement on cooperation and payment of the compensation contribution for the construction of the related basic infrastructure of the municipality - Vestecká investiční s.r.o. (2024/05/53)

Agreement on cooperation and payment of the compensation contribution for the construction of the related basic infrastructure of the municipality - RESORT POPO s.r.o. (2024/05/52)

Agreement on cooperation and payment of the compensatory contribution for the construction of the related basic infrastructure of the municipality - AMADET Skvrňany (2024/05/51)

Contract on future easement agreement - CETIN a.s. (2024/05/50)

Cooperation Agreement - Vestecká inženýrská s.r.o. (2024/05/49)

Cooperation Agreement - AMADET Skvrňany s.r.o. (2024/05/48)

Cooperation Agreement - Municipal District of Prague - Šeberov (2024/05/47)

Cooperation Agreement - SCHMACHTL CZ, spol. s r.o. (2024/05/46)

Amendment No. 1 to the Cooperation Agreement - Campanus Primary School (2024/05/45)

Contract for the establishment of an easement - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2024/05/44)

Work contract - ENVIPARTNER, s.r.o. (2024/05/43)

Addendum No. 13 to the contract - Technical Services of Dolnobřežnska s.r.o. (2024/04/42)

Contract on the future agreement on the establishment of an easement and agreement on the location of the construction - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. and ELEKTROMONTÁŽE s.r.o. (2024/04/41)

Public contract - BARÁČEK FAMILY CENTRE z.s. (2024/04/40)

Public law contract - Honební společenstvo Jesenice - Vestec (2024/04/39)

Public Law Contract - Czech Breeders' Association, Basic Organisation Vestec (2024/04/38)

Public Law Contract - SH ČMS - Vestec Volunteer Fire Brigade (2024/04/37)

Public Law Contract - POCTA - First Personal Cycling Talent Academy, z.s. (2024/04/36)

Donation contract - Eva Starcová (2024/04/35)

Donation agreement - Eva Starcová (2024/04/34)

Donation contract - Le Xuan Lich, Nguyen Thi Ngo (2024/04/32)

Cooperation agreement - VÁGNER POOL s r.o. (2024/04/33)

Donation agreement - Ing. Dominika Zíková (2024/04/31)

Contract - renovation of a car - KOMET s.r.o. firefighting equipment (2024/04/30)

Insurance contract - Generali Česká pojišt'ovna a.s. (2024/04/29)

Planning contract - Accolade CZ 68, s.r.o. (2024/03/28)

Purchase contract - STAVING Olomouc, s.r.o. (2024/03/27)

Donation agreement - Zdeněk Turek; Beáta Turková (2024/03/26)

Donation agreement - František Soldán (2024/03/25)

Addendum No. 1 to the Purchase Agreement - KOBIT, spol. s r.o. (2024/03/24)

Agreement on the use of the Vestec Centrum Study - ASET studio s.r.o.; Vestec centrum, s.r.o. (2024/03/23)

Contract on future agreement on the establishment of an easement and agreement on the location of the construction - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2024/03/22)

Donation agreement - Linka bezpečí, z.s. (2024/03/21)

Donation contract - Ludmila Hašplová (2024/02/20)

Addendum to the lease agreement - AGRO Jesenice u Prahy a.s. (2024/02/19)

Public Law Contract - Vestec Senior Citizens Association (2024/02/18)

Public Law Contract - Tělovýchovná jednota Viktoria Vestec, z.s. (2024/02/17)

Donation agreement - Ing. Vladimír Vošický and Ing. Barbora Vošická (2024/02/16)

Purchase agreement - Vestec Building and Housing Cooperative in liquidation (2024/02/15)

Agreement on the establishment of an easement - Pražská plynárenská Distribuce, a.s. (2024/02/14)

Service and Materials Contract No. 0124 - Jiří Tourek (2024/01/13)

Donation agreement - AVALON PLUS s.r.o. (2024/01/12)

Contract of assignment - Jan Chadraba JCH Servis - IT Support and Service (2024/01/11)

Contract for the operation of the collection yard of the municipality of Vestec - Technical Services of Dolnobřežanska, s.r.o. (2024/01/10)

Cooperation Agreement - CETIN a.s. (2024/01/09)

Commission contract - PRISVICH, s.r.o. (2024/01/08)

Contract for the provision of software usage rights - ALIS, spol. s r.o. (2024/01/07)

Contract for the provision of software usage rights - ALIS, spol. s r.o. (2024/01/06)

Contract for the provision of software usage rights - ALIS, spol. s r.o. (2024/01/05)

Donation contract - Ludmila Hašplová (2024/01/04)

Donation contract - Danuše Bendlová (2024/01/03)

Contract for reimbursement of costs for disposal and sorting of selected plastic waste - Procter & Gamble Czech Republic s.r.o. (2024/01/02)

Contract for the establishment of easement - easement - ČEZ Distribuce; Petr Kadlec - ELEKTRO-KOVO; G+ s.r.o. (2024/01/01)

Contracts from 2023

Smlouva darovací - MgA. Miriam Kaminská (2023/12/75)

Contract for the right to carry out construction - Vestec Housing Cooperative in liquidation (2023/12/74)

Contract for the reimbursement of the costs of cleaning and waste management of tobacco products - NEVAJGLUJ a.s. (2023/12/73)

Bulk Public Service Licence Agreement - OSA (2023/12/72)

Contract for the supply of multifunctional vehicle with container - TomiTruck s.r.o. (2023/12/71)

Addendum No. 1 to the AGREEMENT on cooperation in ensuring conditions for the fulfilment of compulsory school attendance - Municipal District of Prague 11 (2023/12/70)

Purchase contract - Slovanka Development s.r.o. (2023/12/69)

Donation agreement - Bohumil Hozman (2023/12/68)

Donation agreement - Bc. Matyáš Kůrka (2023/12/67)

Purchase agreement - Vestecká inženýrská s.r.o. (2023/12/66)

Donation agreement - STAVING Olomouc, s.r.o. (2023/12/65)

Purchase contract - STAVING Olomouc, s.r.o. (2023/12/64)

Addendum No. 1 to the contract for work - J.L.T. - stavební společnost, spol. s r.o. (2023/12/63)

Contract for the provision of hosting services - ALIS, spol. s r.o. (2023/12/62)

Land lease agreement - Ješátko Antonín (2023/11/61)

Land lease agreement - Ješátko Antonín (2023/11/60)

Contract for the provision of software usage rights - ALIS, spol. s r.o. (2023/11/59)

Supplement No. 3 - Agreement on non-cash payment of postal services prices - Česká pošta, s.p. (2023/11/58)

Cooperation Agreement - EKO-KOM, a.s. (2023/11/57)

Annex No. 1 to the Cooperation Agreement - EKO-KOM, a.s. (2023/11/57)

Annex No. 2 to the Cooperation Agreement - EKO-KOM, a.s. (2023/11/57)

Annex No. 3 to the Cooperation Agreement - EKO-KOM, a.s. (2023/11/57)

Annex No. 4 to the Cooperation Agreement - EKO-KOM, a.s. (2023/11/57)

Donation agreement - Ing. V. Zíka; Mgr. Ing. G. Zíková; S. Zíka; Ing. D. Zíková (2023/10/56)

Service Contract for Outdoor Electronic Bulletin Board - DigiDay Czech s.r.o. (2023/10/55)

Public contract for the provision of subsidies under the Programme 2023 - Central Bohemia Region (2023/10/54)

Addendum No. 6 to the Service Apartment Lease Agreement - Radek Bus (2023/09/53)

Work contract and general terms and conditions for the supply of goods and services - Atex Group s.r.o. (2023/09/52)

Addendum No. 1 Service Contract - ENVIPARTNER, s.r.o. (2023/09/51)

Amendment No. 3 to the Lease Agreement - Czech Republic - State Land Office (2023/08/50)

Supplement No. 1 to the Contract for the Provision of Services for Česká pošta, s.p. - Česká pošta, s.p. (2023/08/49)

Contract for the establishment of an easement - easement - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2023/08/48)

Contract on future easement agreement and agreement on the location of the building - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2023/08/47)

Donation agreement - Dana Talová (2023/08/46)

Contract for transport services - DATA AUTOTRANS s.r.o. (2023/07/45)

Public Law Contract - Tělovýchovná jednota Viktoria Vestec, z.s. (2023/07/44)

Public Law Contract - SH ČMS - Vestec Volunteer Fire Brigade (2023/07/43)

Contract for passenger transport - ARRIVA CITY s.r.o. (2023/07/42)

Donation agreement - CENTRUM PROPERTY s.r.o. (2023/06/41)

Donation contract - Petro Jurkiv and Marija Jurkiv (2023/06/40)

Purchase contract - KOMILO s.r.o. (2023/06/38)

Contract for auditing activities - ATLAS AUDIT s.r.o. (2023/06/37)

Contract for the performance of a management review - ATLAS AUDIT s.r.o. (2023/06/36)

Purchase contract - Jan Skřivan (2023/06/35)

Contract for work - J.L.T. - stavební společnost, spol. s r.o.

Work contract - Vladimír Vítek (2023/06/33)

Work contract - Fialkovsky s.r.o. (2023/06/32)

Addendum No.1 to the Contract for Work - AQUA PROCON s.r.o. (2023/06/31)

Purchase contract - Milan havlicek and Ing. Eva Koňáková (2023/05/30)

Credit Agreement - Česká spořitelna, a.s. (2023/05/29)

Purchase contract - MUDr. Jaroslava Hejnová and Alžběta Biniasová (2023/05/28)

Purchase agreement - AB Auto Brejla Praha (2023/05/27)

Work contract - Modern Garages s.r.o. (2023/05/26)

Loan agreement - ŠkoFIN s.r.o. (2023/05/25)

Contract for the supply of multi-purpose univetzáloní machine - Unikont Group s.r.o. (2023/05/24)

Lease agreement - Pavel Jakeš (2023/04/23)

Donation agreement - Linka bezpečí, z.s. (2023/04/22)

Addendum No.7 to the Contract for the provision of field social services - Quality Autumn of Life, z.ú. and Services KPŽ s.r.o. (2023/04/21)

Addendum No. 12 to the contract of 1 July 2015 - Technical Services Dolnobřežanska s.r.o. (2023/04/20)

Framework Cooperation Agreement - JTH Group a.s.

Public contract - BARÁČEK FAMILY CENTRE z.s. (2023/03/18)

Deposit account agreement with renewal - Česká spořitelna, a.s. (2023/03/17)

Public Law Contract - POCTA - First Personal Cycling Talent Academy, z.s. (2023/03/16)

Public Law Contract - SH ČMS - Vestec Volunteer Fire Brigade (2023/03/15)

Public contract - 4eský svaz chovatelů, Základní organizace Vestec (2023/03/13)

Public Law Contract - Vestec Senior Citizens Association (2023/03/14)

Public law contract - Honební společenstvo Jesenice - Vestec (2023/03/12)

Public Law Contract - Tělovýchovná jednota Viktoria Vestec, z.s. (2023/03/11)

Cooperation agreement - H+S Real Invest s.r.o (2023/02/10)

Contract for delivery of universal multi-purpose machine - Unikont Group s.r.o. (2023/02/09)

Addendum No. 5 - to the contract for the operation of public lighting in the municipality of Vestec - Technické služby Dolnobřežanska, s.r.o (2023/02/08)

Donation contract - Archdiocesan Charity Olomouc (2023/02/07)

Work contract - pm trávníky s.r.o. (2023/02/06)

Subcontract to Framework Contract No. 1482-2017 - ÚVT Internet s.r.o (2023/01/05)

Agreement on the establishment of an easement - CETIN a.s. (2023/01/04)

Contract for the establishment of an easement - easement - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2023/01/03)

Purchase contract - KOBIT, spol. s r.o. (2023/01/02)

Service contract - Czech Post (2023/01/01)