Addendum to the contract for the conclusion of a future contract for the connection of electrical equipment to the distribution system - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2013/12/140)
Addendum to the contract for the conclusion of a future contract for the connection of electrical equipment to the distribution system - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2013/12/139)
Contract on the provision of support from the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic - State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic (2013/09/112)
Contract on the conclusion of a future contract on the establishment of an easement and a contract on the right of construction - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2013/07/101)
Contract on the conclusion of a future contract on the establishment of an easement and a contract on the right of construction - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2013/05/76)
Contract SM 1300000435 on the establishment of a common catchment area of a primary school for free compulsory school attendance - Municipal District of Prague 11 (2013/04/46)
Agreement on cooperation and payment of the compensation contribution for the construction of the related basic infrastructure of the municipality - TOP-BIO, s.r.o. (2012/12/95)
Contract for the location of the terminal element for warning and notification of the population - Fire Rescue Service of the Central Bohemian Region (2012/10/73)
Agreement on cooperation and payment of the compensation contribution for the construction of the related basic infrastructure of the municipality - DEKINVEST, closed-end investment fund, a.s. (2012/10/71)
Contract for the payment of the compensation contribution for the construction of the related basic infrastructure of the municipality - T.LAND a.s.(2012/10/66)
Contract on the conclusion of a future contract on the establishment of an easement and a contract on the right of construction - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2012/09/57)
Addendum No. 1 to the contract and cooperation and payment of the compensation contribution for the construction of the related basic infrastructure of the municipality - STAVING Olomouc, s.r.o. (2012/09/56)
Agreement on cooperation and payment of the compensation contribution for the construction of the related basic infrastructure of the municipality - STAVING OLOMOUC s.r.o (2012/09/55)
Contract for the conclusion of future contracts for the connection of electricity consumption facilities to the distribution system - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2012/06/40)
Contract for the conclusion of future contracts for the connection of electricity consumption facilities to the distribution system - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2012/06/39)
Addendum No. 1 to the concession agreement for the operation of the Safina ATS dated 29.7.2011 - Vodohospodářská společnost Benešov, s.r.o. (2012/06/36)
Agreement on the adjustment of mutual relations between the contracting parties - Sheridan a.s., Pražská vodohospodářská společnost a.s., Pražské vodovody a kanalizace a.s. (2012/03/21)
Contract for the conclusion of a future contract for the connection of electrical consumer equipment to the distribution system up to the voltage level - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2012/02/14)
Agreement on cooperation and payment of the compensation contribution for the construction of the related basic infrastructure of the municipality - STAVING Olomouc, s.r.o. (2012/02/12)
Contract on a future agreement on the establishment of an easement No. 28C11/81 - Land Fund of the Czech Republic "Sewage sewerage in the municipality of Vestec" (2011/11/44)
Contract on the reimbursement of non-investment expenses for pre-school, primary, secondary higher vocational and other education - Municipal District of Prague-Seberov (2011/11/38)