Treaties 2011 - 2013

Year 2013

Addendum No. 5 to the contract for municipal waste management No. 2200097 - AVE CZ odpadové hospodářství s.r.o. (2013/12/145)

Contract for the lease of a service apartment - Veronika Šachová (2013/12/144)

Donation agreement - Junák-union of Scouts and Guides of the Czech Republic (2013/12/143)

Amendment No. 1 to the Mandate Agreement - Allowance s.r.o. (2013/12/142)

Work contract - J.L.T.-construction company, spol. s r.o. (2013/12/141)

Addendum to the contract for the conclusion of a future contract for the connection of electrical equipment to the distribution system - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2013/12/140)

Addendum to the contract for the conclusion of a future contract for the connection of electrical equipment to the distribution system - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2013/12/139)

Contract on future donation contract - Ing. Jan Fořt (2013/12/138)

Framework Purchase Agreement - DEKTRADE a.s. (2013/12/137)

Purchase contract - Nguyen Trung Tuan, Le Thi Anh Tuyet (2013/12/136)

Addendum No. 1 to the Cooperation and Contribution Agreement - Ing. Jan Fořt (2013/12/135)

Work contract No. 02/12/2013/M - Stavební společnost Šlehofer, s.r.o. (2013/12/134)

Addendum No. 4 to the purchase contract - AVE CZ odpadové hospodářství s.r.o. (2013/12/133)

Amendment No. 4 to the Contract for Work - SWIETELSKY stavební s.r.o. OZ DS STŘED (2013/12/132)

Contract for the right to carry out construction - EXBIO Praha a.s. (2013/11/131)

Lease agreement - MODERNÍ KUCHYNĚ.CZ s.r.o. (2013/11/130)

Framework Purchase Agreement - VEREBEX spol. s r.o. (2013/11/129)

Contract for the establishment of an easement - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2013/11/128)

Purchase contract - Ivana Lhotáková (2013/11/127)

Contract No SM1300001368 - Municipal District of Prague 11 (2013/10/126)

Agreement on termination of the lease - Milan Micka (2013/10/125)

Purchase contract - Zdeňka Čmelinská, Otakar Čmelinský (2013/10/123)

Mandate contract - Jitka Lehoučková (2013/10/122)

Purchase contract - A-TEC servis s.r.o. (2013/09/121)

Mandate contract - Lenka Klestilová (2013/09/120)

Contract No. 2013/101 - PROVOD - inženýrská společnost, s.r.o. (2013/09/119)

Licensing Agreement for Public Performance - OSA - The Protective Union of Authors for Rights to Musical Works, o.s. (2013/09/118)

Contract on the provision of subsidies for the provision of care services - Lenka Klestilová (2013/09/117)

Lease agreement - Honební společenstvo Jesenice-Vestec (2013/09/116)

Work contract - ZEPRIS s.r.o. (2013/09/115)

Work contract - CTS corp., s.r.o. (2013/09/114)

Addendum to Contract for Work No. 1 (2011 Contract for Work) - CTS corp., s.r.o. (2013/09/113)

Contract on the provision of support from the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic - State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic (2013/09/112)

Addendum No. 1 to the External Cooperation Agreement - Jakub Kvasnička (2013/08/111)

Contract for transport services - DATA AUTOTRANS s.r.o. (2013/08/110)

Contract for auditing activities - ATLAS AUDIT s.r.o. (2013/08/109)

Distribution System Connection Agreement - Pražská plynárenská Distribuce, a.s. (2013/08/108)

Amendment No. 1 to the Land Lease Agreement - M. Havlíček, Ing. E. Koňáková (2013/08/107)

Contract for the conclusion of a future purchase contract for the sale of real estate - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2013/07/106)

Cooperation Agreement - Czech University of Agriculture in Prague (2013/07/105)

Contract for the establishment of an easement - Telefónica Czech Republic, a.s. (2013/07/104)

Contract for the use of a collection point for the purpose of taking back electrical equipment - REMA Systém, a.s. (2013/07/103)

Amendment No. 3 to the Contract for Work - Warex spol. s r.o. (2013/07/102)

Contract on the conclusion of a future contract on the establishment of an easement and a contract on the right of construction - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2013/07/101)

Contract for the conclusion of a future contract for the establishment of an easement - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2013/07/100)

Addendum No. 1 to the contract for work - EKIS, spol. s r.o., Stavební společnost Šlehofer s.r.o. (2013/07/99)

Purchase Agreement No. 9130000180 - RUPEXIM s.r.o. (2013/07/97)

Future Purchase Agreement No. 3/2013 (2013/07/96)

Future Purchase Agreement No. 3/2013 (2013/07/96) - DOLOŽKA

Amendment No. 1 to the Contract for Work - Markéta Vysloužilová (2013/06/95)

Addendum No. 1 to the Contract for Work - Markéta Vysloužilová (2013/06/95) Lease Agreement - Mgr. Petr Šmíd (2013/06/94)

Work contract - AGRO Jesenice u Prahy a.s. (2013/06/93)

Addendum No. 3 to the purchase contract - AVE CZ odpadové hospodářství s.r.o. (2013/06/92)

Addendum No. 3 to the Contract for Work - SWIETELSKI stavební s.r.o. OZ DS STŘED (2013/06/91)

Amendment No. 2 to the Loan Agreement - Česká spořitelna, a.s. (2013/06/90)

Contract No. 022/2013/JK - AVE CZ WASTE MANAGEMENT s.r.o. (2013/06/89)

Contract for combined electricity supply services - ČEZ Prodej, s.r.o. (2013/06/88)

Contract for the connection of consumer electrical equipment to the distribution system - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2013/06/87)

Amendment No. 1 to Contract 12_SOBS01_4120863583 - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2013/06/86)

Addendum No. 1 to contract 12_SOBS01_4120863581 - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2013/06/85)

Future Purchase Agreement No. 2/2013 (2013/06/84)

Contract for the establishment of an easement - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2013/06/83)

Contract for the establishment of an easement - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2013/06/82)

Performance contract - Antonín Kny-Art Agency KNY (2013/06/81)

Agreement on planned assistance on request - Czech Republic - Central Bohemian Region Fire Rescue Service (2013/06/80)

Amendment No. 2 to the Purchase Agreement - AVE CZ odpadové hospodářství s.r.o. (2013/06/79)

Amendment No. 2 to the Contract for Work - SWIETELSKY stavební s.r.o. OZ DS STŘED (2013/06/78)

Contract for the performance of a management review - ATLAS AUDIT s.r.o. (2013/06/77)

Contract on the conclusion of a future contract on the establishment of an easement and a contract on the right of construction - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2013/05/76)

Work contract - Playground, s.r.o. (2013/05/75)

Purchase agreement - ATS-TELCOM PRAHA a.s. (2013/05/74)

Amendment No. 2 to the Contract for Work - WAREX spol. s r.o. (2013/05/73)

Mandate Agreement - Allowance s.r.o. (2013/05/72)

Cooperation Agreement - Campanus Primary School (2013/05/71)

Donation agreement - Sheridan a.s. (2013/05/70)

Leasing contract - VB Leasing CZ, spol. s r.o. (2013/05/69)

Purchase agreement - PEKASS, a.s. (2013/05/68)

Framework agreement on trading on the financial market - Komerční banka, a.s. (2013/05/67)

Loan Agreement - Komerční banka, a.s. (2013/05/66)

Contract for the conclusion of a future contract for the establishment of an easement - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2013/05/65)

Contract for the conclusion of a future contract for the establishment of an easement - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2013/05/64)

Contract for the conclusion of a future contract for the establishment of an easement - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2013/05/63)

Contract for the conclusion of a future contract for the establishment of an easement - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2013/05/62)

Supply contract - Artspect, a.s. (2013/05/61)

Contract for the provision of occupational health services - GP Medical s.r.o. (2013/04/60)

Mandate contracts - BlueFort s.r.o. (2013/04/59)

Mandate Agreement - BlueFort s.r.o. (2013/04/58)

Lease agreement - AGRO Jesenice u Prahy a.s. (2013/04/57)

Purchase contract for real estate - AGRO Jesenice u Prahy a.s. (2013/04/56)

Contract on the provision of an investment contribution - Municipality Dolní Břežany (2013/04/55)

Contract on the provision of an investment contribution - Municipality Dolní Břežany (2013/04/54)

Contract on acceptance of payment cards - Česká spořitelna, a.s. (2013/04/53)

Amendment No. 01 to the Loan Agreement - Česká spořitelna, a.s. (2013/04/52)

Contract for water supply and wastewater disposal - Vodohospodářská společnost Benešov, s.r.o. (2013/04/51)

Agreement on termination of the water supply contract No VP 54 - Pražské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s. (2013/04/50)

Agreement on termination of the water supply contract No VP 53 - Pražské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s. (2013/04/49)

Agreement on termination of the water supply contract No VP 36 - Pražské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s. (2013/04/48)

Agreement on termination of the water supply contract No VP 35 - Pražské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s. (2013/04/47)

Contract SM 1300000435 on the establishment of a common catchment area of a primary school for free compulsory school attendance - Municipal District of Prague 11 (2013/04/46)

Agreement on termination of contract No SM 1100000011 - Municipal district of Prague 11 (2013/04/45)

Agreement on termination of contract No SM 0500001585 - Municipal district of Prague 11 (2013/04/44)

Mandate Agreement No. 211/2013 - JUDr. Petr Sršeň-ANALYZ INVEST (2013/04/43)

Contract for future gratuitous transfer of land, technical infrastructure and roads - Sheridan a.s. (2013/04/42)

Reimbursement Agreement - Sheridan a.s. (2013/04/41)

Purchase contract - Municipality Olšany u Prostějova (2013/04/40)

Agreement on termination of sublease agreement - Czech Kennel Club (2013/04/39)

Contract for the sale of OV - AB AUTO BREJLA (2013/03/37)

Lease agreement - EKO-KOM, a.s. (2013/03/35)

Amendment No 4 to the public service contract - Veolia Transport Praha, s.r.o. (2013/03/34)

Supplement No 3 to the public service contract - Veolia Transport Praha, s.r.o. (2013/03/33)

Amendment No 3 to the public service contract - Veolia Transport Praha, s.r.o. (2013/03/32)

Supplement No 6 to the public service contract - Veolia Transport Praha, s.r.o. (2013/03/31)

Public contract for the provision of activities under the Municipal Police Act - Municipality Zlatníky - Hodkovice (2013/03/30)

Public contract for the provision of activities under the Municipal Police Act - Municipality Ohrobec (2013/03/29)

Amendment No. 1 to the Purchase Agreement - AVE CZ odpadové hospodářství s.r.o. (2013/03/28)

Amendment No. 1 to the Contract for Work - SWIETELSKY stavební s.r.o. OZ DS STŘED (2013/03/27)

Contract for the relocation of distribution equipment - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2013/03/26)

Cooperation and Joint Financing Agreement - Sheridan a.s. (2013/03/25)

Contract on the reimbursement of non-investment expenses - Municipal District of Prague 11 (2013/03/24)

Addendum No. 1 to the Mandate Agreement - Marcela Chadrabová (2013/02/23)

Work contract - HW PROJEKT, s.r.o. (2013/02/22)

Work contract - HW PROJEKT, s.r.o. (2013/02/21)

Work contract - AF-CITYPLAN s.r.o. (2013/02/20)

Addendum No. 1 to the Contract for Work - WAREX spol. s r.o. (2013/02/19)

Public Law Contract on the Performance of Municipal Police Tasks - Municipality Dolní Břežany (2013/02/18)

Contract for the right to carry out construction - CI-Logistika Vestec, s.r.o. (2013/02/17)

Contract for the supply of services of ÚVT, s.r.o. (2013/02/15)

Current account agreement - Czech National Bank (2013/02/14)

Sales contract - Václav Brejla-AB Auto Brejla (2013/02/13)

Financial Lease Agreement - ŠkoFIN s.r.o. (2013/02/12)

Conclusion of a future contract for the connection of an electrical consumer equipment to the distribution system - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2013/01/11)

Lease - Service and Material Contract No. 113 - Jiří Tourek, T-Agency (2013/01/9)

Framework Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation - MAS Dolnobřežansko o.p.s. (2013/01/8)

Purchase contract - AVE CZ waste management s.r.o. (2013/01/7)

Contract for the establishment of an easement - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2013/01/6)

Year 2012

Land lease agreement - Dagmar Knotková, Jaroslav Tykal (2012/12/101)

Donation agreement - Junák-union of Scouts and Guides of the Czech Republic (2012/12/100)

Addendum No. 2 to the Contract on the provision of subsidies for the provision of care services - Civic Association Bridge to Home (2012/12/99

Donation agreement - Association Linka bezpečí (2012/12/98)

Amendment No. 1 to the Cooperation Agreement - BIOCEV z.s.p.o. (2012/12/97)

Credit Agreement - Česká spořitelna, a.s. (2012/12/96)

Agreement on cooperation and payment of the compensation contribution for the construction of the related basic infrastructure of the municipality - TOP-BIO, s.r.o. (2012/12/95)

Contract on future contract on the establishment of easement - TOP-BIO, s.r.o. (2012/12/94)

Insurance contract for legal protection of local government - DAS, Municipality of Vestec (2012/12/93)

Water supply contract - VHS Benešov (2012/12/92)

Lease agreement - Mgr. Petr Šmíd (2012/11/91)

Purchase contract - STAVING Olomouc, s.r.o. (2012/11/90)

Work contract - Markéta Vysloužilová (2012/11/89)

Conclusion of a future contract for the connection of electrical consumer equipment to the distribution system - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2012/11/88)

Conclusion of a future contract for the connection of an electrical consumer facility to the distribution system - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2012/11/87)

Contract on the reimbursement of non-investment expenses - Municipal district of Prague-Seberov (2012/11/86)

Mandate Agreement No. 202/2012 - JUDr. Petr Sršeň-ANALYZ INVEST (2012/11/85)

Agreement on the change of the route of the pressure part of the "Sewage sewerage system Nad Kopcovitými lukami" - Sheridan, a.s. (2012/11/84)

Contract on future contract for the establishment of an easement - Sheridan a.s. (2012/11/83)

Contract for construction work - WAREX spol. s r.o. (2012/11/82)

Amendment No. 1 to the land lease agreement - Dagmar Knotková, Jaroslav Tykal (2012/11/81)

Amendment No. 1 to the land lease agreement - Jaroslav Klimeš (2012/11/80)

Contract for work - Ing. Marek Stádník (2012/11/79)

Amendment No. 4 to contract No. 2200097 - AVE CZ odpadové hospodářství s.r.o. (2012/11/78)

Amendment No. 2 to Contract No. 2500138 - AVE CZ odpadové hospodářství s.r.o. (2012/11/77)

Contract for the performance of the management review , Amendment No. 1 to the contract concluded on 27.7.2012 - ATLAS AUDIT s.r.o. (2012/10/76)

Exchange contract - Luboš Pelikán (2012/10/75)

Conclusion of a future contract for the connection of an electrical consumer facility to the distribution system - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2012/10/74)

Contract for the location of the terminal element for warning and notification of the population - Fire Rescue Service of the Central Bohemian Region (2012/10/73)

Contract for the right of construction - DEKINVEST, closed-end investment fund, a.s. (2012/10/72)

Agreement on cooperation and payment of the compensation contribution for the construction of the related basic infrastructure of the municipality - DEKINVEST, closed-end investment fund, a.s. (2012/10/71)

Agreement on the payment of a pro rata share of incidental budgetary costs - Sheridan, a.s. (2012/10/70)

Contract for dismantling, storing and reassembling of pumps and electrical installation of ČS Vestec - ENVI-PUR, s.r.o. (2012/10/69)

Amendment No. 1 to the Loan Agreement - Komerční banka, a.s. (2012/10/68)

Contract for the establishment of an easement - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s (2012/10/67)

Contract for the payment of the compensation contribution for the construction of the related basic infrastructure of the municipality - T.LAND a.s.(2012/10/66)

Sublease agreement - SAFINA, a.s., Municipality Dolní Břežany, Municipality Zlatníky - Hodkovice (2012/10/65)

Agreement on termination of lease agreement - SAFINA ASSETS, a.s., Municipality Dolní Břežany, Municipality Zlatníky - Hodkovice (2012/09/64)

Contract on future contract - SAFINA ASSETS, a.s. (2012/09/63)

Donation agreement - Civic Association TŘI (2012/09/62)

Supplement No. 1 to the agreement on a linked account - Raiffeisenbank a.s. (2012/09/61)

Future Purchase Agreement No. 1/2012 (2012/09/60)

Contract for work - Ing. Tomáš Řezníček (2012/09/59)

Contract for provision of advertising related services - JNT Média s.r.o. (2012/09/58)

Contract on the conclusion of a future contract on the establishment of an easement and a contract on the right of construction - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2012/09/57)

Addendum No. 1 to the contract and cooperation and payment of the compensation contribution for the construction of the related basic infrastructure of the municipality - STAVING Olomouc, s.r.o. (2012/09/56)

Agreement on cooperation and payment of the compensation contribution for the construction of the related basic infrastructure of the municipality - STAVING OLOMOUC s.r.o (2012/09/55)

Cooperation and Contribution Agreement - Ing. Jan Fořt (2012/08/54)

Donation contract - Ing. Jan Fořt (2012/08/53)

Contract for the performance of a management review - ATLAS AUDIT, s.r.o. (2012/07/52)

Contract on future contract for the establishment of an easement - DEKINVEST, closed-end investment fund, a.s. (2012/07/51)

Contract for work - HW PROJEKT, s.r.o. (Sewage sewerage and communication - K Šeberovu V Úhoru street), (2012/07/50)

Contract for work - HW PROJEKT, s.r.o. (Sewage sewerage and communication - V Březí and V Úhoru streets), (2012/07/49)

Agreement on accession to part of the commitment - Sheridan a.s., J.L.T. - stavební společnost, spol. s r.o. (2012/07/48)

Contract on future easement agreement - Telefónica Czech Republik, a.s., Sheridan, a.s. (2012/07/47)

Loan Agreement - Komerční banka, a.s. (2012/06/46)

Contract for the conclusion of a future purchase contract for real estate - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2012/06/45)

Cooperation agreement - Municipality Jesenice, ing. Jan Fořt (2012/06/44)

Contract for work - HW PROJEKT, s.r.o. (Sewage sewerage for the locality "Nad kopcovitými lukami"), (2012/06/43)

Contract on a future contract for the establishment of an easement - Municipality of Jesenice (2012/06/42)

Agreement on the termination of the Contract No. 11 046 _001 - ing. Arch. Radek Zeman (2012/06/41)

Contract for the conclusion of future contracts for the connection of electricity consumption facilities to the distribution system - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2012/06/40)

Contract for the conclusion of future contracts for the connection of electricity consumption facilities to the distribution system - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2012/06/39)

Work contract - J.L.T. - stavební společnost, spol. s r.o. (2012/06/38)

Contract on a future agreement on the establishment of an easement - Moučková Eva (2012/06/37)

Addendum No. 1 to the concession agreement for the operation of the Safina ATS dated 29.7.2011 - Vodohospodářská společnost Benešov, s.r.o. (2012/06/36)

Donation contract - MVDr. Preininger Luděk, ing. Eva Tmějová (2012/5/35)

Contract for technical support - Triada, spol. s r.o., (2012/05/34)

Appendix No. 3 on increasing the number of containers for sorted waste - AVE CZ odpadové hospodářství, s.r.o. (2012/05/33)

Contract on a future agreement on the establishment of an easement - Ing. Pavel Dvořák (2012/05/32)

Contract for the gratuitous transfer of real estate - Office for State Representation in Property Matters (2012/05/31)

Agreement on a future contract for the establishment of an easement - Office for State Representation in Property Matters (2012/05/30)

Amendment No. 1 to the Cooperation Agreement of 27.7.2012 - Czech University of Agriculture in Prague (2012/05/29)

Contract for connection to the distribution system of the category retail-household - Pražská plynárenská Distribuce, a.s. (2012/05/28)

Contract for connection to the distribution system of the category retail-household - Pražská plynárenská Distribuce, a.s. (2012/05/27)

Contract for connection to the distribution system of the category retail-household - Pražská plynárenská Distribuce, a.s.(2012/05/26)

Mandate contract - Marcela Chadrabová (2012/04/25)

Contract for connection of consumer electrical equipment to the distribution system up to the voltage level - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2012/04/24)

Agreement on future contract on the establishment of easement - Municipal district of Prague-Seberov (2012/04/23)

Contract for the establishment of an easement - Telefónica Czech Republic, a.s. (2012/04/22)

Agreement on the adjustment of mutual relations between the contracting parties - Sheridan a.s., Pražská vodohospodářská společnost a.s., Pražské vodovody a kanalizace a.s. (2012/03/21)

Contract for future easement agreement - Ing. Pavel Dvořák, Sheridan a.s., Pražská vodohospodářská společnost a.s. (2012/03/20)

Contract on future easement agreement - Pražská vodohospodářská společnost a.s. (2012/03/19)

Contract on future donation contract - Pražská vodohospodářská společnost a.s. (2012/03/18)

Mandate contract - Municipality Vestec x Veřejné zakázky s.r.o. (2012/03/17)

Contract for the right to carry out construction - Ivana Šídlová (2012/02/16)

Contract for the right to carry out construction - Vestec Housing Cooperative in liquidation (2012/02/15)

Contract for the conclusion of a future contract for the connection of electrical consumer equipment to the distribution system up to the voltage level - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2012/02/14)

Agreement on cooperation and conclusion of a future purchase contract - Pražská plynárenská Distribuce, a.s. (2012/02/13)

Agreement on cooperation and payment of the compensation contribution for the construction of the related basic infrastructure of the municipality - STAVING Olomouc, s.r.o. (2012/02/12)

Contract on future easement agreement - Slovanka Development s.r.o. (2012/01/11)

Contract for the establishment of an easement - Pražská plynárenská Distribuce, a.s. (2012/01/10)

Year 2011

Contract on the conclusion of a future contract on the establishment of an easement - ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (2011/12/60)

Amendment No. 1 to the Lease Agreement - Milan Micka (2011/12/59)

Amendment No. 2 to Contract No. 2200097 - AVE CZ odpadové hospodářství s.r.o. "Collection of sorted tetrapak from 1 January 2012" (2011/12/58)

Lease agreement for non-residential premises and some technical equipment - AGRO Jesenice u Prahy a.s. (2011/12/57)

Loan agreement - Vestec Kindergarten (2011/12/56)

Contract on a future contract for the establishment of an easement - Ing. Pavel Dvořák (2011/12/55)

Mandate Contract No. 15-2011 - Fair Care s.r.o. "Project documentation for sewage sewerage system Vestec" (2011/12/54)

Contract for the supply of mobile tracking units and provision of the Sleduj auta service - Sleduj, s.r.o. (2011/12/53)

Purchase contract - Alena Hrubá (2011/12/52)

Purchase contract - Jaroslav Hrubý (2011/12/51)

Purchase contract - Milan Havlicek, Ing. Eva Koňáková (2011/12/50)

Addendum No. 2 of 1.12.2011 to the Agreement on the use of non-residential premises of the TJ Viktoria Vestec Sports Centre - RC Baráček (2011/12/49)

Lease Agreement No. 3/0564/2011/N - ELTODO-CITELUM, s.r.o. "Cable lines to power Christmas decorations" (2011/11/47)

Purchase contract - SAFINA a.s. "Avia - used special purpose car" (2011/11/46)

Purchase contract - STAVOSPOL, s.r.o. (2011/11/45)

Contract on a future agreement on the establishment of an easement No. 28C11/81 - Land Fund of the Czech Republic "Sewage sewerage in the municipality of Vestec" (2011/11/44)

Contract on a future contract for the establishment of easements - Ing. Jan Fořt "Sewage sewerage . locality Nad kopcovitými lukami" (2011/11/43)

Amendment No. 3 to the Framework Mandate Agreement No. 174/2011 - JUDr. Petr Sršeň-ANALYZ INVEST (2011/11/42)

Addendum No. 1 to Leasing Contract No. 9110600081 and Purchase Contract No. 9110600081 - VB Leasing CZ, spol. s.r.o., PEKASS a.s. "Tractor ANTONIO CARRARO" (2011/11/41)

Work contract No. 11 020 - Ing. Arch. Radek Zeman (Project documentation for ZTV - Vestec - part B" (2011/11/40)

Contract for external cooperation - Jakub Kvasnička "Vestecké listy" (2011/11/39)

Contract on the reimbursement of non-investment expenses for pre-school, primary, secondary higher vocational and other education - Municipal District of Prague-Seberov (2011/11/38)

Contract for work - KOMPRIN s.r.o. "Project documentation Emergency relief of sewage sewerage system at SAFINA WWTP - ul. Průmyslová" (2011/11/37)

Agreement on the use of non-residential premises of the TJ Viktoria Vestec Sports Centre - RC Baráček (2011/11/36)

Work contract No. 0610/2011 - IPOLT CZ. s.r.o. "Project documentation Sorted municipal waste collection yard Vestec" (2011/11/35)

Contract for the right to carry out construction, ul. Krátká - Luboš Pelikán (2011/11/34)

Contract for the right to carry out construction, ul. Krátká - Miloslav Bohuslav (2011/11/33)

Mandate Contract - Fair Care s.r.o. "Subsidies Extension to Vestec Kindergarten" (11/11/32)

Major Customer Agreement - T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s. (2011/11/31)

Contract for the right to carry out construction, ul, Krátká - Ivana Šídlová (2011/11/30)